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CBS Evening News with Katie Couric: Haiti’s Long Road Back

More than 50 hospitals and health centers were destroyed in the earthquake but now a world-class facility has risen from the wreckage. Katie Couric reports from Haiti.

American Forces Network Iraq: BioSculptor in Iraq

Package of Iraqi amputees who live with lost limbs due to IED’s and how a former U.S. military reservist is helping Iraqi citizens.

Miami Herald: University of Miami team sending new legs for Haiti quake amputees

Inside a warehouse in an industrial corner of Hialeah, six large cardboard cartons hold the next chapter in the lives of Haitian earthquake amputees — 500 chocolate-brown prosthetic legs for men, women and children.

Qatar Tribune: HMC first to introduce CAD-CAM system in Middle East

DOHA THE Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) has become the first hospital in the Middle East to use a 3D CAD/CAM system in its prosthetic and orthotic department.